This is an argument I have heard many times; some photographers believe that if you use digital software like Photoshop, Lightroom, Corel Painter, etc., that you are manipulating the image and that is cheating. The in-camera image is the only "true" representation of place or thing photographed, purists would take the image direct from the camera to printer. If it's not very good, you didn't do a good job at capture. I would ask the person saying this if they thought Ansel Adams was a good photographer. "Yes", they inevitably say, "he's fantastic". "Well, I reply, "Ansel Adams 'manipulated' every image he created". "What?", the purest would say. "Yep", I continue, "he spent days, weeks, months, even years in the darkroom of his time dodging, burning, filtering the enlarger lens and using different grades of paper to produce exactly what he wanted."
Places des Vosges
Every photographer manipulates their image from the beginning: choice of lens, focal length, aperture setting, exposure time, etc. Not to mention angle of view, composition, elements in or avoided in the frame. And I'm not a photojournalist. I'm not necessarily trying to document, I trying to create art. So for me, anything goes. As long as you like the final image, I don't care how you got there. This is a picture of the Place des Vosges in Paris, France. I used Photoshop and hand painted in Corel's Painter to get what I hope is a "painterly" effect.
I am inspired by the works of great painters and sculptors to find my own voice and explore my own artistic expression.
I believe the foundation for compelling art is all around us. Because of my career in video and film production and my long standing love of photography I see much of the world as images. With photography I am able to catch those images. And using the digital darkroom I can further transform a bit of the natural and man-made world into my personal vision.
I believe that every millimeter of every image is an integral part of the whole. The elements within the image frame are what interest me; composition, color, light, tone and texture. The camera and digital darkroom are tools I use to unite those elements and create a cohesive, balanced whole.
I believe the creation of art is a journey of discovery. I do not always know where I will end up when I first click the shutter. But I believe there is something to be found. That is what get my creative juices flowing and invites me to experiment. So it is with a great feeling of adventure that I pick up my camera and begin the journey.
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